
Currency Exchange

Go to Configuration > Money > Currency Exchange from the left hand menu or click on Currency Exchange under Configuration on the home page.


This is where you have the ability to edit the current rate of exchange between the currency types in use. The Currencies which are currently being used will be displayed in the Currency Exchange table. You then have the ability to set the exchange rate that you feel is most appropriate.

  • It is best to use actual exchange rates , rather than creating your own. Using sites such as www.xe.com will give you instant exchange rates.


Enter the rates in the boxes provided matching that of the proper currencies. Once you have set the exchange rates, click the Submit button in the bottom left hand corner of the table to save and apply the changes. The page would refresh and an Update message should then appear at the top of the page.


Once you have set the exchange rates, they will appear in the Summary of Exchanges Allowed table below. It will display all the pairs of currencies and their rates. It also displays the Rate Offset, Flat Fee and Pct Fee. It is important to note that the Flat fee and Pct fee are calculated on the "From amount".
