
Dynamic Compression Option

This is a TUTORIAL on explaining the logic of Dynamic Compression with clear examples.

The switch named as the Dynamic Compression Option resides in Configuration > Commission > Commission Plan page. In the Matrix Bonus calculation, the system normally does dynamic compression, which means that if a member is not qualified to receive bonus, it moves over to a next qualified upline. For an example, here is a sample plan of matrix bonus qualifications and a matrix tree under the user TopDist.

  • TitleTy 6 receives up to level 4
  • TitleTy 5 receives up to level 3
  • TitleTy 4 receives up to level 2
  • TitleTy 3 receives up to level 1

Here's an example to help you understand better; for user - TopDist, consider the following data;

  • level 1 - Dist A and TitleTy is 6
  • level 2 - Dist B and TitleTy is 6
  • level 3 - Dist C and TitleTy is 4
  • level 4 - Dist D and TitleTy is 6
  • level 5 - Dist E and TitleTy is 0
  • level 6 - Dist F and TitleTy is 3
  • level 7 - Dist G and TitleTy is 6
  • level 8 - Dist H

Assuming Dist H bought something and generated volume, Without dynamic compression,

  • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist G as level 1 - system calculates matrix from bottom to top in matrix tree
  • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist F as level 2 - but Dist F would get zero commission as he is not qualified for level 2
  • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist E as level 3 - but Dist E would get zero commission as he is not qualified for level 3
  • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist D as level 4.

Now let's learn about the Dynamic Compression types, i.e. the options Standard and Generous

  • Generous: When system does dynamic compression, if it is configured as Generous, it would skip to a next level up, if the distributor is not qualified for matrix at that level. Therefore system will process matrix bonus in the following way,
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist G as level 1.
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist D as level 2 - compressed Dist F and E as they are qualified for level 2.
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist B as level 3 - compressed Dist C as he is not qualified for level 3.
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist A as level 4.
  • Standard: If system is configured as Standard compression, system only goes up if the upline is not active, which means TitleTy 0. Therefore system will process matrix bonus in the following way,
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist G as level 1.
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist F as level 2 - compression doesn't occur as Dist F is not TitleTy 0, but Dist F would get zero commission as he is not qualified for level 2.
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist D as level 3 - compressed Dist E as his TitleTy is zero and went upto Dist D.
    • Commission generated by Dist H will pay matrix bonus to Dist C as level 4 - no compression, but Dist C would get zero commission as he is not qualified for level 4.