
Members - Sponsor Summary

Click on Viewers on the left hand side to expand the menu structure, and then click on the Sponsor Summary sub-menu.


You will then be redirected to the Member Summary page, which contains the list of distributors and customers who are personally sponsored by this member. Note that this report is updated one time per day. Below are the possible column attributes; you will find the details in the table listings;

  • Date Enrolled: The date on which the member signed up into the system. | Username: The username of the member.
  • Qty Spons | Qty Cust: How many distributors and customers (respectively) this member has personally enrolled.
  • Name | Email | Phone: The name, registered email address and the primary contact number of the member.
  • Status: Financial status of this personally enrolled member, i.e. whether he is Active or the payment is still Pending.
  • Volume: How many points of volume this personally enrolled member has purchased so far in the current month (real time).
