

Signup Setup

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Is SSN mandatory on Signup(Y/N):This option is if you wish for new customers/distributors to have to provide their Social Security number upon signup.

Minimum Handle/Username Length: The minimum amount of characters a password can contain. If it is any lower then the minimum set here it will not be allowed. (This option can go as low as "1")

Sets strong password required:Strong password is required on the signup form in order to continue.

Show Customer Signup in Distributor Signup: Displays the customer signup option when apply to signup as a distributor.

Signup minimum amount required: The minimum amount of money required to be able to signup.

Upgrade to Distributor in Customer Account: Allows for the user to upgrade directly from Customer account to Distributor.

Maximum Handle/Username Length:Username must be within this limit otherwise server will not accept it.

Minimum Password Length Strong Password:Length of password required to be able to signup.

Show Distributor Signup in Customer Signup:Displays the option to signup as a potential Distributor on the regular customer signup page.

Skip Shopping Cart in Signup (FREE)(Y/N):Redirects the new signup customer/distributor to the home page not the shopping cart.

Minimum Numbers in Strong Password:The amount of numbers required in a password for it to be accepted. Leave as "0" if you don't want to use this feature.

Minimum Special Characters in Strong Password: Minimum amount of special characters you need in your password in order to continue signup.

Ship orders before Paperwork Received: This will ship the order out before all paperwork regarding sale has been acquired.

Require geocode check after address entry?(Y/N):Forces the user to validate their entered Address, provides you with extra security so you aren't shipping products to fake addresses. Recommended to leave this feature on.

Simple Signup mode?(Y/N): Provides the user with a simpler form of signing up,instead of going to the shopping cart after step 6 of signup it redirects back to the homepage.

Note:Refer to here for a list of special characters,if you wish to include them in your password.

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