
WebEditor Tutorial: Part Eight

This section details all functions of the Webeditor.

The main button toolbar displays at the top of the Webeditor screen:


First menu section:


Image - Save function - Click this icon to save changes.

Image - New Document - If you wish to create a new document, click this icon. A new blank page will appear.
Note: you will lose any existing page content if you create a new page then save.

Image - Print - Click this icon to print the page.

Image - Preview - Preview the current page. The preview will popup as a new window:


Image - Find and Replace - Find and/or replace text in the editor's content area. A popup will appear for entry of the word(s) you wish to find within the page content.
If you just click the Find button, any matches will be highlighted in the page content. Clicking Find again will skip forward to the next match.
You may also replace searched words, just use the Replace button when the appropriate word to replace is selected.
Replace All will automatically find and replace all matching words. A popup showing how many instances were replaced will be shown once this is complete.


Image Image - Fit to Window // Restore Down -Fit to Window allows full screen editing, maximizing your available space.
(If you click the same button while in full screen mode you will be returned to normal view).

Image - Clean up HTML - This will clean up all "garbage" HTML-tags. A popup will appear:


The five options do as indicated.

Image - Cut - Cut text (you need to have something selected to cut).
You may see a confirmation box asking whether to allow webpage access to the clipboard, click 'Yes'.

Image - Copy - Copy the selection to clipboard.
You may see a confirmation box asking whether to allow webpage access to the clipboard, click 'Yes'.

Image - Paste - paste content from the clipboard into the editor at the selected position.
You may see a confirmation box asking whether to allow webpage access to the clipboard, click 'Yes'.

Image - Paste Plain Text - past plain text (no formatting).
You may see a confirmation box asking whether to allow webpage access to the clipboard, click 'Yes'.

Image - Paste from Word - When pasting from Microsoft Word (to remove the web-unfriendly tags) use this paste function.
You may see a confirmation box asking whether to allow webpage access to the clipboard, click 'Yes'.

Image - Paste as HTML - When pasting HTML use this paste function to preserve tags.
You may see a confirmation box asking whether to allow webpage access to the clipboard, click 'Yes'.

Image - Delete - Delete the current selection.

Image - Undo - Undo the last operation in the editor.
Note: CTRL-Z doesn't have functionality as "undo" in the web editor.

Image - Redo - Redo the last operation in the editor.
Note: CTRL-Y doesn't have functionality as "redo" in the web editor.

Second menu section:


Image - Insert Link - Insert a hyperlink to a web address.

Image - Unlink - Remove the hyperlink from the selected content

Image - Insert Anchor - Add an anchor to the text on your page. Anchors are stop positions for automatic scrolling.


Image - Image Gallery - Insert a local image from the image gallery folder; thumbnail images are dynamically created.

Image - Insert Image - Insert an image at the selected position in the editor then set it's properties.

Image - Insert Flash - Insert a flash animation at the selected position then set it's properties.

Image - Insert Media - Insert a windows media object at the selected position then set it's properties.

Image - Downloadable Files - Insert a link to a document on the server (PDF,DOC, ZIP,etc.) at the selected position.

Image - Embed a YouTube video - see Embed Youtube videos to your page

Image - Help - Displays the meanings of various buttons on the page.

Third menu section:


- Insert Table - Insert a table into your web page.

- Insert Row Above - Insert a row above the currently selected row.

- Insert Row Below - Insert a row below the currently selected row

- Delete Rows - Delete the currently selected row.

- Insert Column Left - Insert a column to the left of the currently selected cell.

- Insert Column Right - Insert a column to the right of the currently selected cell.

- Delete Columns - Delete the currently selected column.

- Insert Cells - Insert cells into the currently selected row.

- Delete Cells - Delete the currently selected cell.

- Row Properties - Edit row properties.

- Cell Properties - Edit cell properties.

- Merge Cells Right - Merge the currently selected cell with the one to its right.

- Merge Cells Down - Merge the currently selected cell with the one below it.

- Split Cells Right - Split the currently selected cell into columns.

- Split Cells Down - Split the currently selected cell into rows.

Fourth menu section:


- Direction Left to Right - Justify text left to right.

- Direction Right to Left - Justify text right to left.

- Box Formatting - Set formatting options for the display box.

- Break - Insert a line break.

- Insert Paragraph - Insert a new paragraph.

- Insert Print Page Break - Insert a break for printed copies of the page (where it will start printing a new page).

- Insert Today's Date - Insert the current date. The date format will be the date format currently set on your machine.

- Insert the Current Time - Insert the current time. The time format will be the time format currently set on your machine.

- Special Characters - Insert a special character from a predefined list.

- Insert Emotions - Insert an emoticon at the selected position in the editor.

- Universal Keyboard - Insert universal characters (a keyboard will pop up for character selection).

- Insert Layer - Inserts a layer (An Absolutely-Positioned Div).

- Insert Groupbox - Inserts a group box (FieldSet) at the selected position in the editor.

Fifth menu section:


- Bold - Bold the selected text.

- Italic - Italicize the selected text.

- Underline - Underline the selected text.

- Left Justify - Align the selected content to the left.

- Center - Center align the selected content.

- Right Justify - Align the selected content to the right.

- Justify Full - Justify align the selected content (left and right).

- Justify None - Unjustify the selected content.

- Remove Format - Set the format of the selected text to default (unformatted).

- Font Color - Set the color of the selected text.

- Highlight - Highlight the selected text.

Sixth menu section:


- Insert Numbered List - Insert a numbered list.

- Insert Unordered List - Insert an unordered list.

- Indent Text - Indent (push right) the selected content.

- Outdent Text - Outdent (push left) the selected content.

- Superscript Text - Change the selected text to superscript.

- Subscript Text - Change the selected text to subscript.

- Strikethrough Text - Strikethrough the selected text.

- Upper Case - Convert the selected text to upper case.

- Lower Case - Convert the selected text to lower case.

- Insert Horizontal Line - Insert a horizontal rule at the selected position in the editor.

- Position Absolutely - Fly text, pictures, tables... any element anywhere you want.

- Bring Forward - Bring an item one position forward at a time

- Send Backward - Send an item one position back at a time.

- Toggle Border - Toggle the visibility of borders.


- Select All - Select all.

- Select None - Deselect all.

Seventh menu section:


- CSS Class - Changes the CSS class of the selected text.


- Inline Style - Changes the CSS style of the selected text.

- Paragraph - Changes the paragraph style of the selected text.

- Font - Set the font face. If a selection is active, the font will be applied to it.

- Font Size - Set the font size. If a selection is active, the font will be applied to it.

- Links - Insert predefined links to the current selection.

- Macros - Inserts Macros into the currently selected text.

- Images - Insert predefined images to the current selection.

ESC key: pressing ESC will undo all changes made since you started editing. Be careful with this, you cannot revert back to the changes once you have pressed ESC and will need to make them again.