Reports only includes paid orders, regardless of whether you choose paid date or order date. Pending orders are not included if you select "Paid" as an option. Most of the time, selecting order or paid date will be the same, but sometimes if a credit card declines or for whatever reason, the paid date may be 1 or several days after the order date. Which one you choose depends on how you decide to date the transactions in your system.
On member deletion and reports:
Deleting of members is generally not an acceptable practice. Delete means delete. All history is wiped, and therefore is only available to you as a courtesy for data entry errors and the like, and should only be used within the first day or so of a signup. To terminate a distributor has it's own function, called "Terminate" that will completely lock that person out of the system, but will maintain his history, including support, orders, personal balances, nugget information, everything. Do NOT use delete for a live account if there have been any transactions at all. Deletion will affect reports.
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