
Contact Category

Contact Category

This is the contact category creation page, by default there should be a list of corporate Categories at the bottom of the page. You have the ability to add these to your current list of contact categories.


Once you have selected what Corporate Categories you wish to include to in your contact categories click the add button to the right. The categories that you selected will then appear in your list of current categories. If you would like to create your own category you can do so by entering it at the top of the page.


Warehouse Details
Title Description
Category List of current category names
Description Description of category
Language Set language
Sort Order Sort order depicts the order that the categories are placed in higher the placement, higher up category is on list. ie - 10 is higher than 50.
Date Entered Date of entry
Add At top of section type in new details and click Add to add a category.
Update update category as desire and click update.
Delete Delete category if no longer desired.

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