
Configuration Tables

c. Tax Tables -

Here is where you set up simple taxation within the system.
Caution here. If you are a company that sells products in quantities beyond personal use, and encourage retailing of products, in the USA you may be deemed to have a warehouse in each state you have a member and need to remit State taxes for all the USA. If you are a company that does this, you may need to subscribe to automatic tax updates in order to charge taxes correctly for all the USA without needing to keep on top of monthly tax changes and manually enter them in these tables.. If you would like the automatic updates, there is an additional monthly charge of $100 which also includes the Auto-Fill address feature. Please contact INS for more information.

If you are more mail order in your setup, then you may need to remit taxes appropriately for your state or province of your head office or warehouses only. This section will allow you to edit those taxes.

State Code – the two or three digit abbreviation for the State or province, make sure you are correct here as tax charging is based on what people enter into the state field matching this value to charge the appropriate tax amount.

Descr – Description, or full spelling if the state/province.

TaxName1 – the Name of tax #1 (system can handle two taxes), this will show on the invoice.

TaxRate1 – the percentage entered as a decimal of tax 1. For example 6% is 0.06

Shipping?1 – Y if the state/province charges tax1 on shipping charges

TaxName2 – the Name of Tax #2 as per tax 1 instructions.

TaxRate2 – the rate of Tax #2 as per tax 1 instructions

Shipping?2 – Y if tax 2 is to be charged on shipping charges.

SortOrder – this will re-order the entire State/Province drop down for all areas in the system. So if you wanted to showcase USA first, you would make sure all US states had a lower sort order than Canadian Provinces. If you wanted to showcase Australia first, you would make sure all Australian territories would have a smaller sort order than the others. Sort order 0 is what you set to have something NOT SHOW.

Update – When you have set all preferences for a given state click Update to save changes.

Delete – To delete a state click, Delete.

Add – To add a state, fill in all details required and hit Add.

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