Go to Reporting > Autoship > Autoship from the left hand menu or click on the Autoship link under the Reporting section on the home page.
You will then be redirected to the Members Autoship Report area. All members who have selected to receive auto shipping will be displayed in this area. The Total Members Shown counts the number of rows. This is a good way to be able to track all current autoships and there current order status.
- Name: The name of the member subscribed to the autoship. | ID: The system generate numeric identification code of the member (unique).
- Username: The username of the member who is subscribed to the autoship. Clicking on this link would take you the member's DistMaint section.
- Country: The country to which the member belongs. | Home Phone | Cell Phone: Residential and personal contact information of the member.
- Ship Day: The day of the month on which the autoship is scheduled to be shipped. | Autoship Volume: The volume associated with the autoship.
- Item Code: The item code of the product/item to which the member is subscribed for autoship. A member can have multiple items in their autoship.
- Last Autoship: The invoice number of the last autoship that was processed. Clicking on this link will redirect you to the Distributor Invoices page.
- Order Status: The current status of the order, i.e. Paid, Unpaid, etc. | Last Autoship Date: The date on which the last autoship was processed.
- Last Autoship Amount: How much the last processed autoship order worth. | Signup Date: When did the member signed up in to the system.
Important Note
- The time taken to generate the autoship report depends on the strength of your company, i.e. the number of members in the system.
- The Autoship Volume is represented as a link, clicking on which would redirect you to the Admin Autoship page. This is where you can control the autoship of the member. To learn more about how to manage the autoship of a member, check out the Admin Autoship manual.