
Today's Calls

Today's Calls


The calls you need to make today, in this section of Omsys it will display the phone numbers and the user details belonging to those numbers. The results for this area can be displayed in slots of 100,50,25 and 10. If you have a large list of numbers that need to be called on a particular date you can use the Contact Search,you also have the ability to add and view all contacts.


Omsys- Today's Calls
Title Description
User Username that the contact register up as on your system.
Contact Name of contact, click to view contacts details.
Date added Date contact was added to list of contacts
Phone Phone number on file.
Local Time zone area contact is in.
Country Country the contact is from.
Priority How important it is to contact this member, all new contacts come in with a priority of two. Can give priority 0 - 10, 10 being most important.

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