
Placement Details

Sponsor Handle: This is the handle of the sponsor. If you do not know it, you can use the Lookup Function beside this blank.
Lookup: function will spring open a popup which will allow you to enter the members name, paperwork id, or whatever other information you have into the appropriate blank, and click on the userid number on the left side of the page for the member you are looking for. Upon clicking on this number, the window will close and the selected members handle will be put into the Sponsor Handle blank automatically.
Place Username: This is where you put the person who this member is to be placed under. Due to the fact that it is often the same handle as the sponsor, the system will autopopulate this field with the same handle as the sponsor handle blank. If this is not correct feel free to change it to what you want.
Place Leg: The field directly under Place Username, sometimes has not tag to say it is Place Leg due to system settings, if this is the case in your system and you use Leg Placement Please let us know immediately so we can configure it for you.

This is where you can specify the actual line the person will be placed in. Even if you do not allow line placement from members, the Admin Section will allow you to do this during a signup for cases where it is necessary. An example would be george signs up mary, but wants to place mary on leg 3 of frank. Only necessary if you allow it in your commission plan.

Profit Ctr:

This is only relevant if you have multiple profit centers in your comp plan.
1 Center Binary: if you have a 1 center binary without expansion center capabilities, this section will not show up, you will just have Place Handle and Placement Preference.
3 Center Binary: If you have a 3 center binary setup, this is where you put the absolute placement information of a member.
Profit center 1 is the top center, but it already by default has profit center 2 under it on its left and profit center 3 under it on its right.
Profit center 2 would signify the center on the left of profit center 1
Profit center 3 would signify the center on the right of profit center 1.
Matrix or Unilevel: This section will not show up as is not necessary.

Placement Preference:

Autofill will put 1 member on the same side as the upline is on, then 1 on the other side, then one on the same side, then one on the other side etc.
Left will put it to the left of the profit center specified in profit center.
Right will put this new member right of the profit center specified in profit center.
Autofill will put members in left to right, top to bottom based on the matrix settings you added to systemprefs. (this can be customized to fit your creativity, contact INS for a consultation and quotation)
Leg1, Leg2, Leg3 etc. will put the member in the first available position at the bottom of the selected leg.
Autofill will put members in left to right, top to bottom based (this can be customized to fit your creativity, contact INS for a consultation and quotation)
Leg1, Leg2, Leg3 etc. will put the member in the first available position at the bottom of the selected leg.

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